GLOBE_EN is a development of GLOBE models that uses the GTAP data to analyse energy and emissions. The main features of the energy model are:
- Multi-level production nests
- The model uses a 5 or 6 level system of nested production functions, wherein all the energy commodities identified as inputs in the GTAP database are taken out of the intermediate input nest and added to the value added nest, i.e., input substitution possibilities are added for energy inputs
- Primary inputs are modelled in the value added nest as in GLOBE 2
- Non-energy intermediate inputs are modelled as part of the intermediate input nest as in GLOBE 1 and 2
- GTAP emissions data are used so that the model can be used to model the implications of different policy instruments on emissions - a series of tax instruments are added to the model to (i) use the GTAP tax data and (ii) add taxes on emissions
- Other features taken from GLOBE 2 include
- The use of a MCP specification for factor supplies, which renders all factors capable of experiencing unemployment
- Revised model closure rules
- Adjustments to the code to facilitate operation of the recursive dynamic versions of GLOBE