GLOBE_MIG is a development of GLOBE models that uses the Gmig database to model migration decisions. The model draws upon work done by Yontem Sonmez, in her PhD thesis. The model differs in its treatment of migration from the GTAP version. Features of the model include
- Household migration
- The model assumes that households migrate and take the factors they own with them
- The early GTAP version migrated factors (labour)
- Remittances
- The model assumes that remittances take place between households not factors, since payments to another region by a factor, in national accounting terms, are not remittances but factor income payments for factors owned and resident in the other region
- Factor quantities
- The user is required to determine the factor types migrating household posses in the destination region; there are no a priori reasons to assume that the factor types owned in the households region of origin are the same as those in the destination region
- The model is being revised to uses data on the quantities of factors developed by Terrie Walmsley
- Other features are taken from GLOBE 1
Technical Document
User Guide