© Scott McDonald
The Models
The models are SAM based models. The models depend on the data and price systems developed by Richard Stone and associates. The models are descendants of the USDA’s single country CGE model from 1990 (Robinson, et al., 1990; Kilkenny, 1991), which are developments of Dervis, de Melo and Robinson (1982).
ANARRES is a suite of global/multi region CGE models calibrated using data from the GTAP and/or WIOD databases presented as global SAMs.
STAGE is a suite of single country CGE models that require country specific SAMs for calibration.
R23 is a global development of the well-known 123 model.
The codes for these versions are robust formulations. Technical documents and User Guides for variants of the models are available.
The codes for STAGE_1, ANARRES_1 and R23 are licensed under Creative Commons BY NC (Attribution but Non Commercial). (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ ). As are the codes for STAGE_t and ANARRES_t that are supplied for training courses.
STAGE_3 are ANARRES_3 are available to participants on Single or Global cgemod courses. Requests from other persons will be considered.
STAGE and ANARRES (latest versions) are NOT open-source. They may be licensed.
‘Black Boxes’
CGE models are NOT ‘black boxes’. Given an understanding of general equilibrium (GE) microeconomics, and some macroeconomics, and the ability to read a simple programming language, all model insights are ultimately obvious. GE systems may be complex, just as the world is complex; but an unwillingness to learn enough economics and a ‘language’ does not make a CGE model a ‘black box’.
Registration for 2024-25 courses now open
All courses use GAMS Studio as the editor
1. ‘Practical Single Country CGE Course’
2. ‘Practical Global CGE Course’
3. ‘Advanced Dynamic CGE Course’
4. ‘Advanced Training/Support’
1. ‘Intro to GAMS and GAMS Studio’
2. ‘Introduction to SAMs’
3. ‘SAM Estimation’
4. ‘Recursive Dynamics for Dummies’