Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald


The CGEMOD team has over 25 years experience in the provision of onsite and online courses in CGE modelling.

Courses are available with or without tutor support

  1. WITH Tutor support means that course participants can access support from the course tutor - usually by email, but when necessary via video call (MEET is the preferred platform).
  2. WITHOUT tutor support means that course participants CANNOT access support from the course tutor.

Unsupported or Tutor Supported Courses

Unsupported Courses

GAMS License

Advanced Training & Support

This training and support is customised to the needs of clients. It has been developed to provide training that fills a gap between generic courses and full independence. It can also be used to help extend the use of variants of the STAGE and ANARRES models. The arrangements are flexible.

The development of new variants designed to meet the needs of institutions is treated as consultancy.

Open Access

These courses are unsupported, i.e., no tutoring is available

These materials provide introductions to



Course fees


Practical Single Country CGE

Practical Global CGE

Recursive Dynamic CGE

Advanced Training/Support

Open Access Training



Introduction to Moodle

SAM Estimation course

Recursive Dynamics Dummies

GE Notes