© Scott McDonald
Practical Global CGE Modelling: Online Course
This course is offered in cycles 1, 2 & 3
There are ten (10) modules in the course that cover:
This is an advanced course covers global CGE modelling from the basics to an advanced global CGE model. It is designed to meet the requirements of participants who want to develop the technical and analytical skills needed by CGE ‘modellers‘ (those who can changes models) and CGE model users’ (for applied policy studies).
Global CGE models are in essence no more than a series of single country models linked by trade. Hence, the first 2 modules use the simplest possible closed economy model, while the second pair of modules introduce the modelling of trade in CGE models. The fifth module combines the knowledge and skill acquires to merge the clmod and 123 models to produce the smod_t model. The sixth module uses smod_t to introduce nested trade functions that are endemic in CGE models. The final 4 modules use the ANARRES_t model, which is a modern scalable global CGE model designed to produce world class CGE policy analysis. The seventh and eight modules emphasis skill acquisition combined with some interpretation of results, while the ninth module is given over to interpreting model results. The tenth module is an independent project.
The course is over 13 weeks, with a week’s break in week 7. Each module includes a (optional) deliverable if tutor support is included; these allow the tutor to monitor progress and understanding.
The materials are delivered using MOODLE, which provides an asynchronous forum in which participants engage with other participants and the course instructor.
Questions and requests for advice from tutor supported participants submitted between 0800 and 1600 UTC will typically be responded to by the end of the next working (Monday to Friday) day, i.e., by 1600 UTC.
Further information
Contact: Scott McDonald (scott@cgemod.org.uk)
Yontem Sonmez and Scott McDonald